Navy 5 Miler Tomorrow Morning

So, tomorrow I’m doing something a little outside of my comfort zone (or a lot outside, actually): I’m running the Navy 5 Miler. Originally, I thought I would run the Half Marathon, but after about two weeks of training, my old neck injury (car crash) decided to nix that plan and move forward with something more manageable–5 miles. Though I can easily hike a good 10 miles, running is…different, painful, significantly less pleasant…
However, it is now 9:30 PM, and I am prepped for my morning run: shoes ready (gold bonded and everything!), goo ready (chocolate mint– I don’t really think I’ll need goo, but I did want an excuse to try this one!), bibs ready (multiple–one for DH), and am chugging water.
I’ll be up at 5 AM, and on the metro line shortly after it opens at 6 AM to head into DC for an 8:10 AM start. I’ve never run more than a 5k, so I’m a little nervous, but looking forward to a (hopefully!) big crowd!

NAFHM Map Route

One response to “Navy 5 Miler Tomorrow Morning

  1. Pingback: Navy 5 Miler: Accomplished! | AFSpouseWrites·

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